Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The relevance between college and the future

          Through the fate of the Gods, or something equally supernatural, it seems as though it has been decided that I would not follow the path of the majority. Instead, they decided that I would walk along a labyrinth that has millions of outlets to something unknown. I have been given the freedom of decision. And this is what scares the wits out of me. Decisions are suppose to be a privilege, but to me its a burden. From this, I must think, use my brain, become a human being. This life style of humanity, is not easy.
            Did anyone ever wonder, maybe I'm not ready for the world just yet. I do not remember signing a contract coming out of my mother's stomach. Instead, I just popped out and was let into the world. Just thrown into the jungle without any preparation. What a fair world, don't you think?
           So I walked along this one path and it led up to now. Now, this exact very moment. I see everyone in my grade, senior 2011, getting accepted into colleges and even having the choice to deny some of them. Then I look at my journey ahead...I see nothing. Trust me and you, having the will to get up every morning when two colleges denied you takes lots of courage for a sensitive soul like, I.
           Here I am, having made my decision of making a right turn in my maze, that the Gods made just for me, lucky me. Now, I am at the end of the one path I chose out of a million and darn it leads to nowhere. I must start all over again.
          This is the relevance to my high schooler not in college yet life. It seems as though I went the wrong path and now I don't know where to begin again.
          But with advice from people I respect to the greatest, I have decided to get a new pair of eyes.
**The whole time I did not go the wrong path. In fact, there was no made path for me. I was and am creating one right now as I go along this journey that may or may not end at any given second.
    Of course I am frighten by the thought of being an individual and not a robot. But secretly, I'm very excited.
yours truly, Coraline

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